How Do I Fund My Trust?

Funding a trust involves transferring ownership of your assets into the trust so that they are managed and distributed according to the trust’s terms. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how …

How Can I Avoid Probate?

Avoiding probate is a common goal in estate planning because the probate process can be time-consuming, expensive, and public. Here are several strategies you can use to minimize or avoid …

What is a Pour-Over Will?

A pour-over will is a type of will used in conjunction with a revocable living trust to ensure that any assets not explicitly transferred into the trust during the grantor’s …

What is a QTIP Trust?

A QTIP Trust (Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust) is a type of irrevocable trust that allows a grantor (the person establishing the trust) to provide for their surviving spouse while …

What is an A/B Trust?

An A/B Trust is an estate planning tool that is designed to help married couples reduce or eliminate estate taxes while ensuring the financial security of the surviving spouse and …